Monthly Archives: October 2014

Police Force Heusden-Zolder in Belgium Received EFQM Award With Total Performance Scorecard

Total Performance Scorecard in Police Practice

“ Geert Luypaert and Willy Smets of the local Police Force Heusden-Zolder in Belgium.
On 8 November 2004, the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) awarded the local police force Heusden-Zolder in Belgium the distinction “Recognized for Excellence”. The ‘Local and Regional Government Prize’ encouraged local and regional governments to work on the highest quality standards internally, and to distinguish themselves from their colleagues. The advanced level ‘Recognized for Excellence’ probes how organizations approach their way towards excellence in a systematic way, and step by step achieve their objectives, using the EFQM model, in combination with Dr. Hubert Rampersad’s Total Performance Scorecard (TPS) and Personal Balanced Scorecard Methodologies.  This recognition is an important milestone in the total police environment in Belgium.
The local police force Heusden-Zolder counts 55 employees. The management consists a chief commissioner (head of the force), two commissioners, a level A advisor, a member of the management staff and an inspector from the basic force. Chief of Police, Area Commander at Local Police Heusden-Zolder is Geert Luypaert and chief inspector is Willy Smets.
EFQM and Total Performance Scorecard

In December 2001 Geert Luypaert was appointed the new zone chief in Heusden-Zolder.  He immediately recognized that a high performance culture was needed in order to improve the citizen’s perception of his police department and to build public trust and a safer community. He noticed that a change was desperately needed because of: Inefficiency, Low employee satisfaction, Poor leadership skills, Low employee performance, and Low employee retention in his police department.

Willy Smets and Geert Luypaert: ” EFQM and Total Performance Scorecard/Personal Balanced Scorecard have helped us to manage our police force more  effectively.  We used dashboards to map the performances and to define action plans related to, amongst others, home burglaries, car theft, traffic safety, treatment of victims, etc. “By making performance management measurable it’s now much easier to manage our police force effectively and  to steer improvement actions systematically, always aiming for higher levels of personal and business excellence.
We used Dr. Rampersad’s  Personal Balanced Scorecard system to coach the police officers to work smarter and to manage themselves effectively. With this approach we have found the right balance between the procedural and the people oriented approaches.” 
TPS Life Cycle Scan

We also used the related TPS Life Cycle Scan. This is a unique online performance excellence assessment instrument that focuses on the overall performance of an organization. We used this tool to identify which aspects of our organization were eligible for performance improvement and how this can be achieved. The scan is a performance excellence model aimed at continuous performance and process improvement in the direction of Total Performance. By making performance management measurable in this way, it will be easier to manage related performance processes and to increase the score year by year. This makes it possible to steer improvement actions systematically, always aiming for higher levels of personal and business excellence.

The Results

Geert Luypaert: We are extremely happy with the implementation results. We became the First Belgian Police Force to receive the European Baldridge award – EFQM- award.  Within 6 months after the implementation we experienced the following results:
  • Higher employee retention
  • Reduced human failures and working smarter.
  • Improved performance, leadership skills, and motivation.
  • High performance culture
  • Optimal fit between personal and organizational objectives
  • Higher customer satisfaction.
  • Higher labor productivity.
  • Higher efficiency

Leadership Coaching for Politicians



How to build a powerful political leadership brand, develop credibility, build a solid reputation, and position yourself and your political party effectively.

Authentic Personal Branding is the positioning strategy behind the world’s most successful people like Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey,  Richard Branson, and Bill Gates. It’s important to be your own brand and to become the CEO of your life. Everyone has a personal brand but most people are not aware of this and do not manage this strategically, consistently, and effectively. You should take control of your brand and the message it sends and affect how others perceive you. obamaBy way of this unique coaching program, Dr. Hubert Rampersad will offer you an advanced breakthrough formula and a new blueprint to build, implement, and cultivate an authentic and distinctive political leadership brand, which forms the key to enduring personal success. This innovative branding system is based on his bestselling books, in which Barack Obama has been included as role model (with his official permission):

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This personal branding system will help you to unlock your potential and build a trusted image of yourself that you want to project in everything you do. It also opens your view to new ideas, possibilities and opportunities. It is combined with powerful tools to deliver peak performance and to create a stable basis for trustworthiness, credibility, and personal charisma.

Dr. Rampersad’s innovative political personal branding methodology is spiritual, measurable, holistic, organic, authentic and sustainable. It taps deeply into self-awareness and helps others to develop innovative ways of doing business with social media and to position themselves strongly in this individual age. It has been proven in practice to produce sustainable results, not only for politicians but also for their political party. It’s neither cosmetic nor cloudy, and therefore clients are experiencing concrete results within 2 months, based on this continuous learning process. View testimonials and coaching success stories.



With this coaching program you will gain understanding about:

  • building and implementing a distinctive and compelling political leadership brand.
  • building a strong reputation that is aligned with your vision and your political party
  • building credibility and a solid reputation
  • developing personal integrity and charisma
  • putting you above your competitors
  • positioning yourself effectively with social media marketing

Who should attend

This highly practical and individual coaching process has been specially designed for politicians who wish to differentiate themselves, set themselves apart from other politicians, position themselves strongly in relation to competitors, and build credibility and a solid reputation. It is geared to politicians who wish to develop their personal leadership brand, enhance their effectiveness, become a visionary political leader, attain their full potential, and create awareness for their personal integrity.


Duration of the individual coaching program for you only by Dr. Rampersad: 8 individual coaching sessions of 2 hours via skype and webcam, plus 5 hours additional personal coaching by him to help you position yourself and your political party effectively with social media marketing. Please visit this page Authentic Personal Leadership Coaching for detailed information about the program. Our related training documentation is in English, Spanish, Brazilian, Russian, Chinese, Korean, German, French, Japanese, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Turkish, Polish, Finnish and Dutch language (click on the country names).

Fee:  Fee entails 4950 Euro per politician, including, certificate, books and social media marketing support. Fee one day group training Personal Leadership Branding: 750  Euro per participant.  Spaces are running out fast though, so do please act now if you think this programme may be of value to you.

Interviews/articles Dr. Rampersad in Fortune Magazine, BusinessWeek and BrandChannel.




                                                                                                                              Related Articles:  10 Tips for Developing an Effective Authentic Personal  Leadership Brand | Become a Certified Authentic Personal Brand Coach |  Female Entrepreneurial Leadership Branding | Dream BIG | Authentic Governance | Authentic Police Branding

Please fill out the registration form below if you are interested in the political leadership coaching program.

Innovation University of Silicon Valley

12 S. First St. Suite 203, San Jose, CA 95113, USA

Tel: +1-786-537-7580 | |